Report «Interreligious dialogue as a counteraction to extremism and terrorism»

On November the 6th, the conference "Intellectual Islam: Religion and its Role in the Modern World" was held within the framework of the interreligious exhibition "Faith, Family, Fatherland". At the invitation of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Novosibirsk Region and with the blessing of His Eminence Nicodemus, Metropolitan of Novosibirsk and Berdsk, Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, head of the missionary department of the diocese, rector of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, made a report at the conference "Interreligious dialogue as a counteraction to extremism and terrorism".

In his report, Father Alexander spoke about the information war being waged by the West against Russia, about the technologies used aimed at inciting ethnic and interreligious discord, about how dangerous it is, how it can be countered, and what the role of the state, society, family, and, above all, parents is in this.

The conference brought together participants from many regions of Russia (Dagestan, Tomsk, Omsk and Novosibirsk regions), as well as from near and far abroad (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Yemen).